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Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog

Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
We're Retired! Let's Get a Puppy!
There are two kinds of retiring dog owner. The first kind has an older dog that they adore. But they know that, when he passes, they have...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Keep walking. It's just a dog
Claire used to walk a meticulously planned route every morning and evening. She had determined the streets most likely to NOT have a dog...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Puppy pet peeves
JoJo is a Black Labrador puppy with enormous paws and disarmingly soft eyes. She also has the look of a canine about to burst into the...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Pass the remote, please
Some of my clients swear that their dogs watch TV. I used to be skeptical about such claims. But then I witnessed a Shepherd mix appear...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Crossword puzzles, binge TV and online shopping
Let’s face it: your dog can’t do any of those pastimes. Nor can he take himself for a walk, go to the gym, or call a friend for a chat....
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
What to do with your bored dog
After dinner, many people spend the evening at home relaxing. We humans have lots of home entertainment options: television, hobbies,...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Take this dog and…
I remember thinking when my kids were little how life was full of incredible joy and equally incredible frustration. My clients’ dogs...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Wood molding with a side of carpet
Mike and Carly called me in near hysterics. They sent me a photo of the damage that greeted them when they came home from work. Their 9...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Whose bed is it?
Let me make this clear: I have nothing against owners sleeping with their dogs. For some odd reason, when I ask a client whether their...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Is breed destiny?
So you get this dog from the shelter. The tag on the cage said “Lab Shepherd mix.” You bring the dog home. What can you expect? Will he...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Fall ball
Boston Terrier Ernest loves loves loves to play fetch. The trouble is, he is unclear on the concept. Here is how Ernest plays the game:...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
True lies
In a household with more than one person, it is a certainty that there are at least that many (conflicting) opinions about the family...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Crate Woes
Fox Terrier Chesney loves his crate so much he will challenge you to a doggie duel over it. If his owners walk past him while he is in...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
If You Had a Doggie Cam…
Morning Yawn. Stretch. Look around. Listen carefully. Sniff the air. Sniff the door. No one is home. Pad over to the water bowl. Sniff...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
The Four Stages of Dog Guardianship
Like death and marriage, sharing your life with a dog is experienced in stages. Notice I said “experienced” not “enjoyed” or “endured.”...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Don’t Forget Your Lunch
Black Lab Petey had a great summer. Someone was there nearly all the time to let Petey out into the yard, take him for a walk, or throw a...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Grass is a Food Group
Schnauzer Edna is a connoisseur of lawn vegetation. Let her out into her yard and she toddles immediately over to the fence to munch on...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Rated G for Gross
WARNING: For those of you with sensitive stomachs, read no further. Four dogs. 1. On walks, Golden Retriever puppy Puck puts everything...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The Incredible Edible Bed
Yellow Labrador Retriever Barney is a little over a year old. He has a picture-perfect face, a sweet temperament, and knows how to sit,...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Let’s NOT Get Physical
Soft coated Wheaten Terrier Maggie runs to the door when the bell rings. Her owne Chihuahua mix Brutus grabs tissue and any other paper...
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