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Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog

Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
“I’m bored” said your kids (and your dog)
Its a pandemic puzzle (or maybe a Corona conundrum?). We humans, at home for the foreseeable future, have lots of entertainment options:...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Keep walking. It's just a dog
Claire used to walk a meticulously planned route every morning and evening. She had determined the streets most likely to NOT have a dog...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Fundamentally Not Fun
Two year old West Highland Terrier Stella takes her job as protector of the house and its contents very seriously. So much so that she...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
How rough is too rough?
Usually its because they have added a puppy to their household when they already have an adult dog. The puppy, being a puppy, wants to...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
What to do with your bored dog
After dinner, many people spend the evening at home relaxing. We humans have lots of home entertainment options: television, hobbies,...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Let the chase begin
I confess I am amazed at the number of dog owners who resort to chasing their dog when he runs off with an item he has stolen. Let’s...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Odd man out
Edgar is a 2 year old Miniature Dachshund who has never known a day without his siblings Rottweiler Hannah and Pitbull mix J.P. All of...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Is breed destiny?
So you get this dog from the shelter. The tag on the cage said “Lab Shepherd mix.” You bring the dog home. What can you expect? Will he...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The thrill of the chase
One of the games that Penny, a one year old Yellow Lab, loves to play is “chase me.” Also known as “keepaway.” Outside in the yard, the...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Fall ball
Boston Terrier Ernest loves loves loves to play fetch. The trouble is, he is unclear on the concept. Here is how Ernest plays the game:...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Prey vs Predator
Border Collie Tex lives to run. In a perfect world, Tex would have been adopted by last year’s winner of the Boston Marathon. But no. Tex...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Pick on Someone Your Own Size!
In a family of five people, why does the dog single out one particular person to bully? Jaimie is a lovely, soft-spoken young woman...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Death and the Maiden (Rabbit)
“Bunny #4 bit the dust today” said Jasper’s owner. “We can’t even bury it because Jasper will dig it up.” He also has a thirst for blood;...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Driveway NASCAR
Frederick is a charming, laid-back Greyhound. He is in his second home now, and he is very happy there. He has a sofa to sprawl on, room...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Cardboard, With a Hint of Bubble Wrap
The UPS guy just doesn’t get it. DJ (short for Dog Junior) is a boisterous 3 year old Boxer mix. His owners have entrusted him with his...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Wanted: For Aggravated Robbery
Otto is very, very good at it. The happy part of his typical crime spree is that he doesn’t chew up or destroy the items that he absconds...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The Invisible Dog
Dark, quiet, and far, far away. That’s what six year old shepherd mix Nadya likes about her special place under the queen size bed in the...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
There Are No Cliques at the Dog Park
After spending some time recently at my local dog park, I have decided that there are lessons to be learned there. For example, contrast...
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