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Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog

Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Hugs and kisses
Chickie is a Spaniel mix, sweet-faced and sweet-natured. Her human companions had driven 3 hours in the pouring rain to pick her up. Yes,...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
We're Retired! Let's Get a Puppy!
There are two kinds of retiring dog owner. The first kind has an older dog that they adore. But they know that, when he passes, they have...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Moving on
Who was it that said “All good things must end?” Certainly not your dog on a walk. Or your dog getting attention. Or chowing down on...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Who is that masked man?!
The pandemic makes life challenging for us in so many ways, big and small. Its not just people who are attempting to live this new kind...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Summer adventures with your dog
I saw a car go by today with a woman driving, a small dog on her lap, his head out the open window. Dangerous and misguided as that may...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Open the door!
I’m at a lesson to help with a common dog problem. For demonstration purposes, one of the family members goes to the door and selects a...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
“I’m bored” said your kids (and your dog)
Its a pandemic puzzle (or maybe a Corona conundrum?). We humans, at home for the foreseeable future, have lots of entertainment options:...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Keep walking. It's just a dog
Claire used to walk a meticulously planned route every morning and evening. She had determined the streets most likely to NOT have a dog...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Puppy pet peeves
JoJo is a Black Labrador puppy with enormous paws and disarmingly soft eyes. She also has the look of a canine about to burst into the...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
What the dogs of Paris and London know (and yours doesn’t)
The first thing you notice – if you are a dog person, of course – if you travel to any European city, is the exceedingly polite behavior...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The dog, the car, the dilemma
Comet is a Golden Retriever mix that recently found his forever home. His human family is a young couple who are proud owners of their...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
How many toilets are on a walk?
If you have a guy dog, you know exactly what I mean. Going for a walk is actually going for a whiz. And another. And another. Ad nauseum....
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Your dog just dissed you
Eleanor is a 5 year old German Shorthaired Pointer. Among her litany of unwanted behaviors – she’s an escape artist, a counter cruiser, a...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Two dogs, two separate walks
Everyone who has two dogs, raise your hand. Everyone who has two dogs AND walks each dog separately because one or both are terrible on...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
Your dog is worried
Raymond is a 4 year old Shiba Inu. He lives in a nice home in Burnt Hills with his two adult humans. He has a pretty cushy life. He eats...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Try to see it my way…
….only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. Dogs are pretty opinionated creatures. There are plenty of dogs that greet visitors to...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Pass the remote, please
Some of my clients swear that their dogs watch TV. I used to be skeptical about such claims. But then I witnessed a Shepherd mix appear...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Quirky, unusual, and otherwise out-of-the-ordinary dogs
In all of my years of dog training, I have encountered just about every breed and nearly every behavioral problem possible in the canine...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
The curse of the next door neighbor
Sam is a 4 year old Terrier mix. He lives in a nice suburban development with tidy houses and wide lawns. His back yard is fenced and he...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Heartbreaking housebreaking
I get the call more often than you might think. Me: So…tell me about your dog. Owner: She’s a Yorkie. 6 years old. She’s a good dog but…....
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