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Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog

Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Celebrate Success!
I confess, your dog and I need a pat on the back and a “Good Girl (or Boy)!” every once in awhile. The majority of dog owners are...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Potted Dog Syndrome
Walking a dog on leash is always an adventure. Besides the obvious – whom, or what, will we encounter on the walk? will the rain hold off...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Top Ten (Dog) Tongue Tasks
When dogs lick, humans react in a variety of ways. Some people are appalled and offended. “That’s disgusting!” they say. “Do you know...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Good Manners Spoken Here
Human beings mean well. After all, we are the warm-hearted adopters of our canine friends. We take these shedding, drooling,...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Lost Dog Magnet, Losing Count
So, I’m walking my dogs behind the school and a Border Collie trots into the yard. I watched my guys meet and greet the Collie, then go...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Boys II Men
A comedian (Paula Poundstone? Elaine Boosler?) once told a joke about the mother who was having difficulty accepting that her child was...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
National Puppy Day- March 23
Nati Warning: I am going to Lecture. If you or someone you know is thinking of getting a puppy, PLEASE use or a reputable...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The Paw Beneath My Feet
For the hundredth time this week, I stepped backward and heard a grunt. Or a yelp. Or a squeak. Each of my three dogs has a different...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Pick on Someone Your Own Size!
In a family of five people, why does the dog single out one particular person to bully? Jaimie is a lovely, soft-spoken young woman...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Who Knows What Evil…?
Spike is a 2 year old Boston Terrier. His owner is delighted with his playful nature, how he shops in his toy basket, selecting just the...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
If You Had a Doggie Cam…
Morning Yawn. Stretch. Look around. Listen carefully. Sniff the air. Sniff the door. No one is home. Pad over to the water bowl. Sniff...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
WHO Invited YOU??
Seamus is an Irish Setter, but not the frenetic kind. In fact, he is rather torpid and slow-moving, especially when compared to his new...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Kibble du Jour
Joe Bob is a darling four year old Chiweenie whose owner swears has an eating disorder. Joe Bob’s owner has purchased at least 12...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Free at Last
Geraldo is a four year old Weimaraner. His owners called me after a scary incident had occurred. Geraldo had wandered out of the yard...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Let You Entertain Me
Every evening, after dinner, Rascal’s owners take him on a half hour walk, then throw a Frisbee for him in their fenced back yard, then...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Age Is(n’t) Just a Number
Let’s just say I’ve been heavily recruited by AARP. I know firsthand that living with an aging dog can be a challenge. If there was a...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
The Way We Were
“I don’t understand” said Leo’s owner “The first two weeks were amazing. Leo never barked, was great on the leash, he had one accident in...
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Rachel R. Baum
1 min read
Spot Meets Dick and Jane
Most people who like dogs are compelled to pet them. From a dog’s point of view, it can be intimidating, intrusive, and even terrifying,...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Don’t Forget Your Lunch
Black Lab Petey had a great summer. Someone was there nearly all the time to let Petey out into the yard, take him for a walk, or throw a...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Quelle Heure Est-il?
That means “What time is it?” in French. Because Arnaud is a French Poodle with a confused body clock. Like exhausted new parents who...
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