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Bark! Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog

Rachel R. Baum
5 min read
Lucky dog
The big black Labrador meandered slowly up a Delmar street, much to the consternation of my client. She froze and clung to the leash,...
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Rachel R. Baum
3 min read
It's my yard and I'll bark if I want to
ONE dog can make a lot of noise. Is there an equation that measures the increase in decibel levels when TWO dogs see the garbage truck?...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
In praise of senior dogs
I love puppies, as long as they are someone else’s. Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing cuter than that little face while he is...
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Rachel R. Baum
2 min read
Its the thought that counts
This morning, a neighborhood cat left a dead mouse next to my car. It was a thoughtful gesture of appreciation, since we set food out...
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